Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Stage 15:

1. Wow. Contador is simply amazing at climbing mountains. He makes it look as though he's not even trying. Phil and Paul were calling Andy Schleck a pure climber but he was suffering as he crossed the line. AC was not. AC looked like he could do it all again. He showed us why he is going to win the TdF.

2. Once Andy learns to time trial, it's going to be a great battle between him and Contador. I'm not sure which one I like better though.

3. It was good to see Fabian Cancellara in the break. Honoring the Swiss jersey he's so proud of in his country was awesome, as was all the giant Swiss flags that were flying or being used as capes by maniac fans.

4. Not sure what his name was, but the Lampre rider who was in the break was great. He didn't make the time cut in one of the last few stages but the directors let him stay because of cars/weather/something. He did a great job thanking them using his legs.

5. Much as I like Lance, I'm getting a little tired of all the fuss about him. Contador deserves so much more respect than what people are giving him. As do the other riders.

6. That being said, I can't say I was that upset when Lance got dropped. He needs to be put in place once in awhile.

7. I like seeing AC smile. And knowing that he completely and utterly destroyed everyone else.

8. Best Phil and Paul comments:
-2nd place, after Fabian Cancellara was in the break but then is pulling the remanents of the peloton up the mountain, Phil was asking Paul if he'd have anything left. Paul replied "never underestimate Fabian Cancellara". So true.
-1st place, "big" Jens Voigt was in the front giving everything he had. Paul said, twice, "Jens Voigt is trying to asphyxiate the peloton".

Stage 16:

1. As a tribute to Jens and his epic crash, I ran a more than 8.5 mile long route that consisted of all the hills around my neighborhood, in the pouring rain. I was going to do a 6 mile flat route but then I asked myself "what would Jens do?"

2. Jens Voigt is okay!!!!! I have watched the crash over and over, seen the infamous bump, the sparks flying because Jens Voigt is actually a terminator, and it still scares me. Jens Voigt says the greatest quotes ("shut up body and do what I tell you") and people say the greatest things about him. He's on a different level because of his strength and the respect he commands. It's sometimes hard to remember that he's just a skinny guy with a cool accent who likes to ride his bike and just happens to be completely and utterly amazing. Seeing the picture of him just lying on the road, that was hard. He's a great person and cyclist. Get better quickly Jens.

3. Wow. Lance was pretty good. Bridging the gap by himself that quick was impressive. I think he even surprised himself. But it makes me confused on who to cheer on. Because as much as I want AC and the others to beat Lance, I found myself urging him on. I don't want to see him on the podium though, unless he's on the top step. I don't want him being second best, but he's not going to be AC. I don't want Lance being dropped either. I would like to see Andreas Kloden show off his skills.

4. What is with Franco Pellizotti's hair? And if he's going to wear the polka dotted jersey, he needs matched shorts. The color combination did not look good.

5. Mikal Asterloza wins his first ever road race and it's at the TdF. Pretty cool. Plus it's also good to see the breakaways win because of the genuine happiness on their faces. And it's great seeing the Euskadel-Euskadi riders get a stage. I like the Basque boys especially with all the work they've been putting in on this Tour.

6. Cadels Evans has disappointed me. And I don't even like him. He was down a lot of time but he gave up during stage 15. When you give up, it doesn't matter if the legs are there, because you aren't going to try. I thought he was better than that.

7. I love the crazy fans on the mountains. When people talk about crazy fans in other sports, I always wonder the flag cape people and the naked guys are, among others. They can be dangerous but cycling would be missing something without the fans.

8. The Tour is awesome.

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