Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Thank you veterans for protecting our country and our freedoms and allowing us to live in this great place. To all the troops overseas right now, thank you and come home safely. To the National Guard members, thank you for being ready. Thank you, members of the military, for being willing to risk your life for us. We appreciate it. For the people who have served in the military in the past, thank you. Without you, we wouldn't have the great country we have today, and many others not in this country would not have their freedom.

A special thanks to my dad who served in the air force before I was born. I'm not quite sure what exactly you did, but you went to Guam and got those cool boots and matching bag. It makes me proud to say my father served our country. Without you being in the air force for those 4 years, I wouldn't be here. Thank you for serving our country after those years, as a member of the National Guard. I hope you had a great Veteran's Day and many people thanked you.

Another special thanks to my grandfathers, who both served in Korea. You were willing to risk your lives and protect not only ours, but other country's rights and freedoms. I may not know a lot of what happened to you there, but I know it was dangerous and that it was brave. Thank you for serving our country because without you, and people like you, we would not be able to live here. I'm proud that both my grampa's served in the military. Thank you for all you have done.

I know I've said it many times, but thank you veterans. A lot of people don't realize what you men and women have done for us, but I hope that today many thanked you and shook your hand. You make me proud to live in this country and you have my greatest thanks.

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