Sunday, February 1, 2009


I finished up my 33.7 mile week with a short 2.8 mile run this morning. I saw another runner which was pretty unusual so I raced them for awhile. My run was nice because it was still a little warm out at 31 degrees leg hurts. Not my whole leg, just my thigh or my quad as it should be called. It's been bugging me for a few days but now it's a steady ache. This has happened to me before and strangely enough the only time it's hurt since then is when it rains heavily. It's kind of hard to describe, but it's like an internal ache or a dull pain deep in the center of my leg. It doesn't really hurt, it just aches. No matter how much research I do, I can't seem to figure out what it is. It doesn't seem to be getting better but I need it to. It's frustrating because it's not enough to take a day off but it's enough to make runs miserable. It's bothering me though and it won't stop aching.


MJ said...

I like arnica gel for sore muscles - maybe you should give it a try?

If it's just soreness from fatigue and volume it should help - if it's the beginning of something more serious it may not...


iRuniFly said...

Thanks, I might have to give that a try.